How can I delete a location?

~ 0 min
2024-01-25 04:47

If a location is no longer in use, you can move it to archive by clicking the "Move to Archive on the 3-dot menu on the location page.

When the location is archived, the SDS linked to the location will no longer be listed in search results.

You will find Archived locations and archived SDS under the Archive menu under "Manage SDS library" menu.

Archived SDS will still be included in your SDS count.

To remove the SDS from the SDS count, you must permanently delete the SDS.  Please note that there are regulatory requirements for keeping archive of SDS also for chemicals you are no longer using.  We recommend you generate a SDS binder of your SDSs before you delete them and store the SDS Binder to comply with archive requirements.

When deleting SDSs from your library, you can delete them one at a time, or use the Bulk delete feature.



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